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XPath for Selenium WebDriver

How to create Xpath locators...? What are the different types of XPath? There are two kinds of XPath expressions- Absolute XPath   - The XPath expressions created using absolute XPaths begins the selection from the root node. These expressions either begin with the '/' or the root node and traverse the whole DOM to reach the element. Relative XPath   - The relative XPath expressions are a lot more compact and use forward double slashes '//'. These XPaths can select the elements at any location that matches the selection criteria and doesn't necessarily begin with the root node. The ways of finding dynamic elements using XPath... What is an XPath? An XPath can be defined as a query language used for navigating through the XML documents in order to locate different elements. The basic syntax of an XPath expression is:-  //tag[@attributeName='attributeValues'] the different elements in the Xpath expression syntax - tag , attribute and at...
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Test Cases for Valid and Invalid Email Address

Here is the list of valid and invalid email format which can be used for testing.  The list is not comprehensive by any means and is probably missing a bunch of edge cases.  However, it provides enough coverage for the majority of the allowed/disallowed email address according to  RFC 2822 .  BTW, if anyone else would like to contribute more cases to this list, or spot errors (fingers crossed), please feel free to let me know and I'll make sure the list is up-to-date. Valid Email address Reason Valid email Email contains dot in the address field Email contains dot with subdomain Plus sign is considered valid character email@ Domain is valid IP address email@[] Square bracket around IP address is considered valid "email" Quotes around email is considered valid Digits in ...